
Pink Blob

What you do after you yell is one of the most critical things you can do as a parent.


If you are overcome with guilt after you yell, you won’t be able to do what you need to do to repair.

1. Move Through The Guilt


How your speak to your child becomes their inner voice.

2. Listen To Your Inner Voice

Peggy O’Mara


Wouldn’t it be weird if you didn’t ever lose it? That would be something to live up to as a child — perfect regulation always. Sometimes parents make mistakes too.

3. Own It and Model Self-Regulation For Your Kids


If you want your child to be able to treat others with respect, take responsibility for their actions, and be able to genuinely apologize, you have to do that too.

4. Apologize and Connect with Your Kids



Pink Blob

What you do after you yell is one of the most critical things you can do as a parent.